
December 5, 2018

Use Creative Tension to Cultivate Creativity

Creative tension is essentially a structure that helps to facilitate creativity and change. I advocate using creative tension to motivate yourself to build the life and the business you desire. Let me explain: you create a measure of discomfort when you clearly articulate your vision and compare your vison to […]
December 5, 2018

Review and Renew your Vision (Quick Exercise)

The key to building a vision that will motivate you and initiate creative tension in your life is to use your imagination. In my book and on this blog, I’ve offered you detailed instructions to help you clarify and document your vision for your life and business, but, if you […]
December 5, 2018

Words of Encouragement

Nobody ever praised their coach for being too easy.  This month in my blog posts I’ve encouraged you to look at your current life and compare it with the life you truly and deeply desire.  If you’ve done this exercise right, you should be feeling uncomfortable. As Peter M. Senge, […]
October 29, 2018

Training Wheel Businesses

As a coach to emerging entrepreneurs, my focus is on your lifestyle – defining it, creating it, and ultimately sustaining it with the profits from your business.  I am aware however, that your lifestyle and your need to eat every day, will not wait for you to build the business […]