5 Ways to Decide When to Quit

5 Ways to Decide When to Quit

I almost quit. I didn’t quit, because just as I was wondering about the point of it all, I received an offer from a book publisher to publish my book internationally.  Finally, validation!  But before I brag on my new opportunity let’s take a moment to reflect on the process I went though.

Starting, building and maintaining a business is not all high-powered business meetings and first-class travel. In fact, for most of us, none of our business dealings are glamorous or even self-esteem building. Often, working a small business alone is frustrating, uncertain and more often than we like to admit, not all that profitable.

Why Not Quit?

When a business closes, I feel sad.  It is a loss both emotional, (the word failure come to mind) and financial.  Any business that closes its doors or abandon’s its website leaves behind frustrated hopes and dreams and an entrepreneur asking herself, “Now what?”

But sometimes, quitting is the solution.  Below is some paraphrased internet wisdom to help with a go/no go analysis like the one I went through.

  1. Are You Happy?

If you followed the process in my book and chose a business that honors your values and showcases your skills, aptitude and abilities, your business should be a way to use your gifts.  Your business should be a haven in a busy and indifferent world where you can do what you do knowing you are making a difference, no matter how small.

If your efforts to make your business work have driven you away from your vision, maybe it is time to reconsider -or revisit and rewrite you vision.

  1. Are You Overwhelmed?

To succeed a business needs a plan and a strategy.  Some people ignore this process and wing it.

As Lewis Carrol said, “If you don’t know where you are going, any road will get you there,” – or not.

If you find yourself scrambling every day with no reward and no idea what success looks like, it may be time to consider taking another road.

  1. Are You Making Money?

It takes time and effort to build a business.  Sometime profit, (i.e. making more in income than expenses) takesits sweet time coming your way.  Money, however, is a measure of a business success.  If the business model you created does not generate cash on a regular basis, enough cash to give you encouragement for the future, you may want to cut your losses and try something new.

  1. How’s Your Health?

Are you sleeping?  Sleeping enough?  Sleeping through the night?  If not, what are your thoughts in the dark?  Often, we are more honest with ourselves in the loneliness of a long night.  Do you want to quit but hesitate for reasons that have to do with other people: pride, expectations, competition with another? If so, it is your life, what are you going to do?

  1. Are You Having Fun?

Is the work you are doing to build your business, challenging, creative, exciting?  If not, what needs to change?

In the end, I did not quit my business, just as I was using the motivation of a new year to review these questions in my own mind, a new opportunity arose to share my book, my process and my passion with a whole new market.  How could I quit when the future looks so bright?

How about you?  Are you excited or is it time to consider a change?

Photo by LuboMinar on Unsplash

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