The Competencies of a Strong Business Leader

The Competencies of a Strong Business Leader

six muscle groups edited


The Six Muscle Groups of a Strong Business Leader


What is your plan for growing in the six areas that separate average performers from exceptional performers?


Here is a list of the top six competencies of star performers. This study was done on performers in the technology arena but, you tell me, which of these competencies is not important to a small business owner.

1.       Strong achievement, drive and high achievement standards

2.       Ability to influence

3.       Conceptual thinking

4.       Analytical ability

5.       Initiative in taking on challenges

6.       Self confidence


Notice that only two of these competencies are intellectual.  The others are emotional competencies.  The good news is, just like the benefits of regular physical work outs, you can strengthen your emotional intelligence through attention and intention – and, perhaps the support of a coach.

If you were to choose a personal development goal in just one of these six areas, a goal that would strengthen your ability to lead your business to success, what would it be?

Image by Flickr user Bret Jordon, licensed under CC 2.0

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